
SKS Water Technologies is a trusted, emerging and Eco-friendly water treatment company based in Kerala with its projects and services all over south India. Since 2009 SKS Water technologies have been in the market by giving gentle support to customers for providing high-quality drinking water through a series of nature-friendly water treatment processes.

SKS WATER has solutions for many of the water problems that may impact your premises. We are experienced in Domestic, Commercial, and Industrial projects. We have a working group of professional engineers for research, design, and after-sales services in the field of water quality management. Our goal is to deliver our customers safe, crystal clear water from different sources for their needs. We design WTP/RO/UV/UF/DM Plants, install and maintain water treatment and purification systems based on proper scientific analysis and technologies.

SKS WATER'S technical experts will analyze your water and recommend the right solution to bring you safe, filtered, and tasty water that you will love to use.

Know the

Drinking water standard


5Hz Units Max


6.5 - 8.5


0.3mg/ L Max.


75mg/ L Max.


200mg/ L Max.


1 NTU Max

Total Hardness

200mg/ L Max.


500mg/ L Max.


30mg/ L Max.


250mg/ L Max.

Areas We Serve

Villas & Appartments

Centralized water treatment system shuld be attached on each and every habitats. It ensures running pure water for entire state of the art facility.

Resorts, Hotels & Restaurants

These use a lot of water - for guest rooms, pools, landscaping, laundry and other uses. in total, this accounts for about 15 percent of total water use in commercial and institutional facilities

Hospitals & Research Centers

Because hospitals and healthcare facilities use so much water, it is likely they will come under greater pressure to develop procedures and systems that help reduce their consumption, We provide top quality water which is must for their daily needs.

Schools & Colleges

Here we need good quantity of quality water because young people use more water for their general purposes than others. We assure your needs to be fullfilled.

Food, Beverage Industries

To ensure the quality and purity of foods and beverages large amount of safe water is essential. To comply with this we introduce industrial water treatment systems.

Industrial Area

Water use is a fundamental commodity for nearly every step of the manufacturing and production processes around the world. Whether it's deionised water for electronics and pharmaceutical sectors, or softened water for boiler feed applications.